
IMMISluft - Emissions

Using IMMISem for calculating emissions
If not otherwise specified, the computing core of  IMMISem is used to calculate emissions in IMMISluft.

detailed information about IMMISem input data

Thus,  IMMISluft uses the current available emission factors issued by the UBA/BUWAL (UBA - Federal Environmental Agency, Germany / BUWAL - Federal Office for environment, forest and landscape Switzerland) to calculate emission levels. In 
IMMISluft are the following emission factors and fleet compositions implemented.

  • for Version 5 from the HBEFA Version 3.1 of February 2010

Arbitrary Emissions using the General Import Interface 
Using the general import interface IMMISluft processes any other user defined emissions.

Using Mobilev for calculating emissions
Mobilev is the emission model available at the Federal Environmental Agency, Germany. Using an available interface, emissions calculated in Mobilev can be used in IMMISluft. To integrate the results of the UBA modell Mobilev in IMMISluft the program Mobilev and the corresponding extension of the IMMISluft Import-/ Export interface is required for purchase.