
Emission Interface

Entering emission data via the Einheitliche Emissionsschnittstelle (EES, uniform emission interface)

Firstly, FLADIS summarises different emission inventories on a uniform grid. The emission inventories may include point, line and area sources. 

Click on the picture to the right to get a flow chart of the first step.


1st step
Uniform Emission Interface: 1. Step

Secondly, a cluster analysis helps reducing the summarised emission inventory. The reduction is necessary to ensure that FLADIS calculations are performed in acceptable time. 
Thirdly, a convolution is done on every single cluster using source specific emission cycles. Thus, a temporally distributed emission data base is available in FLADIS.

Click on the picture to the right to get a flow chart of the second and the third  step.

2nd and 3rd step
Uniform Emission Interface: 2. Step