
MISKAM - Selected References

Expert opinion on air pollutants for the Rudower Chaussee (Rudower Avenue) building project in Berlin's Adlershof district.

BAAG, Berlin Adlershof Aufbaugesellschaft mbH

MISKAM, Mobilev

The Rudower Chaussee is to be expanded to four lanes as part of the measures to be undertaken in Berlin's Adlershof development area. In connection with this, IVU carried out an investigation of the air pollution along the Rudower Chaussee for the traffic prognosis for 2010, after widening has taken place. A so-called fine screening was undertaken, i.e. air quality was ascertained on the basis of the best available current knowledge:
  1. Calculation of air pollutant emissions for forecast traffic volumes on the Rudower Chaussee and its side streets in the year 2010 using the German Federal Environmental Agency's MOBILEV emission model.
  2. Determination of air pollutant concentrations for NOx, benzene and soot in the area of the Rudower Chaussee for the 2010 forecast using the MISKAM model.
  3. Evaluation of the results on the basis of the concentration test values of the 23rd BImSchV (Federal Pollution Control Act).
The diagram shows the annual mean values for soot calculated for a partial section of the Rudower Chaussee.

Rudower Chaussee