IMMISmt - Data Requirement
Online data:
- Traffic data
- traffic volume: values per lane or direction in vehicles per hour. For
streets without online data, values for the current hour can be derived
from MDT (mean daily traffic).
- fraction of heavy trucks and other
vehicle types (optional): If no online data is available
section-specific average values are used
- traffic situation according
to HBEFA (optional): traffic situation for the current time step; if
not available dynamically, a static characterisation of the traffic
situation will be used
(HBEFA = German/Swiss/Austrian Handbook of Emission Factors of Road traffic)
- Meteorological data
- temperature (°C)
- wind direction (°)
- wind speed (m/s)
- dispersion class (Klug-Manier)
Meteorological data are available from climate stations nearby or from internet weather sources such as METAR.
- Concentration measurements (e. g.: PM10, PM2,5, NOX, NO2, O3)
- Data from background stations (optional) to calculate background values for each time step.
- Data from traffic stations (optional) to calculate NO2/NOX fractions for each time step.
Update frequency of input data depends on modelling interval (usually hourly values).
Offline data:
- Road Network and Street Canyon Data
Road network data with number of lanes and information about adjacent building structure.
- Emission Data
Location and annual emissions of other sources (e. g. industry,
domestic combustion) within the area of interest, available from
emission cadastres or TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) data.