The traffic induced air pollution apart traffic noise ranks among the
environmentally relevant problems in cities. Thus the federal air
pollution control law (BImSchG § 47a) requires municipalities to
capture data describing noise pollution in street canyons.
IMMISlaerm provides the means to get an fast-and-easy
overview of noise pollution adjacent resident of city streets are
exposed to. IMMISlaerm does not require extensive and
expensive data acquisition.
- support in creation of noise pollution plans, conflict analysis
and set up of noise reduction plans.
- Calculation of noise emission in accordance to the RLS 90
(guideline for the noise control at roads, edition 1990) and the
Schall-03 (guideline for the calculation of noise pollution of
railways, edition 1989) for day and night. The result is
presented for vehicles and tramways.
- Calculation of assessment levels (noise pollution) in accordance
to the RLS 90 and the Schall-03 for day and night .
- Result representation in tables and figures as thematic maps of
street network
Hourly Emissions with IMMISlaerm,h
The screening program IMMISlaerm for estimation of noise
pollution in streets is also available as an version to calculate hourly
values of noise pollution.