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modular GIS-integrated system for Air Quality modeling
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LimA in ArcGIS
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News in 2017

  1. 'From CTM model results to local exposure: first steps' - Our presentation at HARMO 18 conference in Bologna, Italy ...

    IVU Umwelt has contributed to the programme of the international conference HARMO 18 with the presentation:

    • Pfäfflin, F.; Diegmann, V.; Nordmann, S.: From CTM model results to local exposure: first steps.

    The 18th International conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO 18) took place in Bologna, Italy on 9 - 12 October 2017. The conference was aimed towards model developers, model users, environmental protection agencies and legislation experts. What distinguishes this conference from many others is its focus on common tools and methodologies. The series of international conferences on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes is concerned with the improvement of 'modelling culture' both in Europe and at an international level.

    More information on HARMO 18

  2. Version 7 of IMMISem / IMMISair available ...

    Version 7 of IMMISem/air, the model for road traffic emissions and air quality screening, is available. Emission calculation is based on and in accordance with the current European Handbook for Emission factors (HBEFA 3.3).

    More information on IMMIS zum Archiv hier klicken

  3. 'Scale Effects in Air Quality Modelling and Assessment' - Our presentation at ASAAQ conference in Strasbourg, France ...

    IVU Umwelt has contributed to the programme of the International conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ) in Strasbourg with the presentation:

    • Pfäfflin, F.; Stern, R.; Diegmann, V.; Nordmann, S.: Scale Effects in Air Quality Modelling and Assessment.

    The 14th ASAAQ took place in Strasbourg, France on 29 - 31 May 2017, and fostered scientific discussion and exchange of information on the latest research and practical applications of atmospheric science to air quality issues.

    More information on 14th ASAAQ

  4. HBEFA Version 3.3 available - Update IMMISem/luft Version 7 in process ...

    Version 3.3 of the Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA) is available.

    We are currently analyzing the new approaches and data and will integrate them in our products. As soon as the new version 7.0 of IMMISem/luft is available, our clients will be informed.

    HBEFA 3.3 is a "quick update" of HBEFA 3.2 and is focusing on the "hot" NOX-emission of diesel passenger cars. The other parts of HBEFA 3.2 remain unchanged.

    More information on HBEFA 3.3

  5. Photolysis frequencies for calculating pollutant concentrations in the troposphere - New standard published by VDI, the Association of German Engineers ...

    Available since April 2017:

    VDI 3783 Part 18: Environmental meteorology - Photolysis frequencies for calculating pollutant concentrations in the troposphere

    An employee of IVU Umwelt contributed to the standard as a member of the respective working group.

    The transformation of trace gases in the atmosphere is determined by radical chain reactions initiated by photolysis processes. More detailed assessment and prediction of air quality, therefore, require knowledge of photolysis frequencies. This standard provides photolysis frequencies for tropospheric conditions. To this end, spectral actinic photon flux densities were calculated for a large number of meteorological situations so as to cover typical conditions for Central Europe, with 200 m above sea level taken as the average altitude. The output of the calculation is done for the altitudes 0 m and 1000 m above ground.

    The standard has been developed and published by the ‘VDI/DIN-Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) - Standards Committee'. VDI, the Association of German Engineers, is a financially independent and politically unaffiliated, non-profit organization of engineers as well as academics in other disciplines, especially in information science, the natural sciences and mathematics.

    More information on VDI 3783 Part 18

  6. Reaction mechanism for the determination of the nitrogen dioxide concentration - New standard published by VDI, the Association of German Engineers ...

    Available since April 2017:

    VDI 3783 Part 19: Environmental meteorology - Reaction mechanism for the determination of the nitrogen dioxide concentration

    An employee of IVU Umwelt contributed to the standard as a member of the respective working group.

    This standard describes an extended reaction system which accounts for the chemistry of nitrogen oxides with sufficient accuracy, in order to allow a quantitative immission forecast as part of a chemistry and transport model. It is suitable, for example, for evaluating procedures for reducing nitrogen oxide pollutions.

    The standard has been developed and published by the ‘VDI/DIN-Commission on Air Pollution Prevention (KRdL) - Standards Committee'. VDI, the Association of German Engineers, is a financially independent and politically unaffiliated, non-profit organization of engineers as well as academics in other disciplines, especially in information science, the natural sciences and mathematics.

    More information on VDI 3783 Part 19 (in German)


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